SETATR ------ SETATR will set (or un-set) the attribute bits used by CP/M 2.2 (and by BACKUP, its companion programme) to - What it does Mode ------------ ---- make a file read-only R/O make a file read-write R/W make a file "system" SYS make a file "directory" DIR archive a file ARC with BACKUP copy a file CPY with BACKUP It is a simple-minded programme and will only do one thing at a, no multiple commands on the command line. The good news is that you can use the CP/M "ambiguous file" feature to do whole classes of files at the one time if you wish. This is particularly useful in, say, converting all your old "COM" files to "ARC" status before running BACKUP on a disk for the first time. e.g. if you wanted to do this, just enter - setatr [d:]*.com arc where "d:" is the optional drive specification, and it will be done automatically. Note I didn't get it to check first to see whether the file was already set to the status you ask, as it runs quickly enough not to have to worry about saving a couple of seconds. e.g. on my system it will do 36 files in 14 seconds, so I figure that's good enough not to worry about speeding it up, if indeed that is possible to do in any event. Otherwise, the usage for unambiguous files is - setatr [d:]filename MODE where "MODE" is any of the three-letter combinations listed above. Either lower case or upper case is OK in any of the commands as they are all converted to upper case in the course of running SETATR. If you don't remember any of this, not to worry, just enter setatr and it will prompt you for input from the console. If you find any bugs you may contact me at - Phil Cogar, P.O. Box 364, Narrabeen, N.S.W. AUSTRALIA 2101 -------------------------e "directory" DIR